Wednesday, October 24, 2001

not a big day

Dear Diary
Since my earlier entry today I've done more stuff. I've studied some computer science in my "Java Gently", and 16:30 I walked the dog with my friend I. The walk was about an hour long, it would have been longer had I not been in a hurry to catch the group lesson. On the way home I met J whom I talked with for a while, as she had basically the same way home. At my arrival my parents had come home and I had time to eat a couple of sausages. Because I was in a hurry, my dad was as kind as to drive me down to the subway station.
The group lesson was quite educational, as usual, and after this I went straight to I's as we agreed to to see the new clothes she had bought. Then I went home. But now I gotta go see Friends...

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