Sunday, August 8, 2010

You don't know what you have done. No sabes lo que has hecho.

That's a fact, you don't. If you knew, if you could possibly imagine, if you had the faintest idea of the impact that your carelessness has had on me, then you'd never ever even consider acting the way you did. You told me I hurt you when I didn't come see you.

I hurt YOU?? YOU were hurt by ME???
You have no idea, do you? No idea that I have spent hours crying because of you and your behaviour. I really want to hate you but I can't. The only hope I have is that you will regret what you have done, how you have acted and somehow come crawling back.

But I know too well that you'll never do that.

Así es. Si hubieras sabido, si hubieras podido imaginar, si hubieras tenido alguna idea del impacto del descuido tuyo sobre mí, no habrías hecho ni considerado hacer lo que hiciste. Me dijiste que te dolía yo por no venir a verte.

TE dolía YO?????
No tienes ni puta idea, verdad? Ni idea que he llorado por horas por ti y tu manera de ser. Quiero odiarte. De verdad, quiero odiarte, pero no lo puedo. Mi unica esperanza es que vas a lamentarlo, lo que has hecho y venir a mi lado, disculpandote un millón de veces.

Pero ya lo se que esto no pasará.

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